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Fasting Challenge

Our church is asking us to do a fasting challenge over the next few weeks. We’ve decided to do a less meat fast. We usually would eat meat 2-3 times a day, but for the next 21 days we’re cutting down our meat significantly.

Here’s what we are planning and what else we are doing:


Daniel Plan

We’re using a lot of our Daniel Plan detox recipes for the first week. We first did the Daniel Plan 6 years ago and it changed our health a lot! In less than 20 days my husband’s blood pressure, cholesterol, and his entire blood panel improved!

We feel in love with a lot of the recipes and have been eating them on a regular basis these past 6 years.

However, this time around we are restricting our eating habits because of the fasting challenge we’re doing with our church.

Everyone has the freedom to pick whatever they want to fast from. I know a lot of people will be picking social media, but I have to use social media daily at all of my jobs (YMCA, Cruise Planners, and FamilyFit4Fun) so that’s not an option.

So, I decided to pick something to do with food, but I don’t know that I could teach my 7 classes a week (plus practicing and subbing) on just a liquid diet, so we’re doing a less or limited meat plan.

I’m sharing our week 1 plan with you. You can download it here.

You might be able to find some of the recipes online, but if not the Daniel Plan book has them all. You can get the Daniel Plan book here on Amazon.

YouVersion Prayer & Fasting Plan

I’ve been a bit discouraged with not knowing what direction I’m going in life and whether I’m doing what God wants me to be doing. I’m praying for guidance from God during this fast. Answers to whether I’m on the right path or not, whether there are things I need to stop or start, or any further guidance on whether to stay or go in ministries.

It’s a lot to ask. I know. But I also know God hears my prayers and will answer me, in His time.

Here’s the 21 devotional we’re doing with our fast if you want to follow along with us.

Youversion Bible Study

First 5 app Bible Study

I’m also starting my Proverbs 31 First 5 study on Ezekiel tomorrow.

In 2019 I did the Bible in a Year plan and man was I confused when we go to Ezekiel. I found out about the First 5 plan from a friend. (Thank you Vicki!)

I had planned on doing it before the church fast so I’ll start the book study and First 5 app study tomorrow. If you’re interested in the study you can find out more here on the First 5 app.

Bible Study

Let me know if you’d like more information on the Daniel Plan, fasting, or Ezekiel study.

Update you later!

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