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What You Need to Know About Pre-Holiday Weight Gain

hot drink and sweets
Fall weight gain?

People often talk about “holiday weight gain” – but have you heard of pre-holiday weight gain also called “fall weight gain”?

Long before we even take our first bite of pumpkin pie or eat our first gingerbread man, many of us have already packed on a few fall pounds.  

Studies show that most adults consume almost 200 more calories per day in the fall

Part of this yearly pattern is biological – our lizard brains revert to the practice of reaping the fall harvest and storing fats to get us through the long winter. But our modern fall eating habits are also strongly impacted by the changes in our surroundings and in our schedules. 

As the days get colder and shorter, people spend less time outside being active and more time inside. With football season and cable’s fall lineup, we tend to watch more tv and snack more in the fall than we do in other seasons. All this leads to an increase in calories and a decrease in activity… aka pre-holiday weight gain.

There is also a scientific correlation between light and depression – and another correlation between depression and comfort eating. 

And sweater season takes away some of the personal pressure that we put on ourselves to stay trim.  We are able to take a break from obsessing over our body and this makes it easier to reach for another snack.

So, what can you do? 

1️⃣ First, be aware of how your patterns change and what you are eating.

If you are not paying attention, those regular cups of coffee that are now pumpkin spice lattes a few times a week will add up as the season goes on.

2️⃣ Next, plan your meals, lattes, and snacks. Include some fun, seasonal foods – but don’t mindlessly snack while watching tv, overindulge in sweets, or overeat at mealtime. 

3️⃣ And finally, maintain a balanced diet and an exercise routine just like you would the rest of the year.

Tell me: what is your favorite fall snack or treat?

Move. Smile. Breathe.

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