Showing 59 Result(s)
Metabolism infographic

7 Ways to Sabotage Your Metabolism

There are probably a few things in your life that you’d like to slow down…  But when it comes to your metabolism? Probably not. Unfortunately, there are plenty of sneaky ways we slow our metabolism down — here are 7 of the most common metabolism saboteurs: 1. You don’t eat enough Your body is smart! …

woman holding spoon in front of eye

Before Going on Any Diet, Please Do This!

This is more important than going on a diet this January… Tis’ the season for weight loss New Year Resolutions.  Many are looking to see what diet or technique worked for others and give it a try this year. I am here to say, weight loss should NOT be the ONLY goal that someone has. …

woman peeking from behind notebook

Many Diets Fail Because of This Reason

Many diets fail because, well … people are hungry!  Eating less during the day to cut calories often leads to overeating in the evening because people are not eating enough quality calories and are hungry! Reducing calories during the week tends to contribute to binging on weekends because people have been eating salads every day …

a clock next to a salad

Understanding Intermittent Fasting

Understanding intermittent fasting can help you lose weight, have more energy, and improve overall health.  IF or intermittent fasting is not so much about WHAT you eat, but WHEN you eat.  Alternating between periods of eating and fasting, making conscious decisions to skip a meal or go a certain amount of time without eating, can… …

slice of pie missing

Healthy Fall Treats

Are you looking for healthy fall treats? I love all things fall! Halloween candy, caramel apples, hot apple cider. You name it, I am here for it! And every now and then, I treat myself. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is about balance, right? 👍 This also means – I can’t ALWAYS indulge.  These three healthy …

Katie kettlebell best body

What is the 52-day Best Body Countdown?

Best Body Countdown is…a life-changer! The Best Body Countdown is a guided 52-day journey to your Best YOU – both inside and out. In every season of life “Your Best Body” may be defined slightly differently, but it’s always yours to define. Sohailla Digsby created this 52-day program because she was tired of seeing people drag around, starving and listless …


With the summer heating up it’s more important than ever to be aware of your electrolyte intake and needs. I remember a few years ago I woke up feeling so sick I couldn’t pick my head up without feeling dizzy, but that was my only symptom. After a few hours of misery, a friend recommended …

yogurt bowl with fruits and fiber

Fiber — Your Secret Weapon

We’ve all seen Jamie Lee Curtis’s Activia commercials promoting how fiber will keep you “regular.” But fiber has more benefits than that!  Fiber is a type of carbohydrate but is unique in its composition because our bodies cannot digest it. This means that it moves through our body without being broken down into sugar the …