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Many Diets Fail Because of This Reason

many diets fail because
woman peeking from behind a notebook

Many diets fail because, well … people are hungry! 

Eating less during the day to cut calories often leads to overeating in the evening because people are not eating enough quality calories and are hungry!

Reducing calories during the week tends to contribute to binging on weekends because people have been eating salads every day for lunch and are hungry and they feel like they deserve it!

Going on long-term, calorie-restricted diets is just not sustainable and often leads to other problems, such as deficiencies, lack of energy, and mood changes.

Cutting calories to lose weight without considering the amount that you need to feel good, sleep well, not overeat, and get the most out of your workouts is counter-productive.

The body needs nutrients and energy – and it gets that from food. Nutrient-dense, quality foods.

It is important to eat the right amount of nutrient-dense foods so that our bodies can function at optimal levels. 

We digest and absorb processed and sugary foods quickly and easily – which often leads to overconsumption. Studies say processed and sugary foods make you want more processed and sugary foods – and less nutritious food!

To crave nutritious food, we must eat mostly nutritious food. 

So instead of focusing on eating fewer calories, focus on fueling your body with nutritious foods and the right amount of calories. There’s no reason for your diet to fail because you’re hungry!

If you need help with this, please click here and book a free discovery call. You will walk away with action steps.

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