Move Smile Breathe

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The Mind-Body Connection

the mind-body connection is real

When you don’t feel well, you aren’t happy. 
When you aren’t happy, it’s hard to feel motivated to care for your body. 

Understanding the mind-body connection can help you to better navigate when you are unwell, especially when it comes to wellness. 

When we think about why we want to be well or healthy – there is typically a deeper, emotional/mental motivation for this goal. We want to be physically healthy so that we can avoid illness/injury, spend more time with our loved ones, live longer, and be able to do things that are important to us. 

The connection between our mind and body has a significant impact on our ability to pursue fitness goals. 

If you aren’t well physically (injury, illness, muscle recovery), you won’t be able to focus or be as present mentally. Pain and physical distress negatively impact mental awareness and emotional wellness. 

On the flip side, if you aren’t well mentally (depression, stress, mental exhaustion), your motivation to maintain physical wellness takes a hit. 

When it comes to the correlation between pain and depression – we often see a vicious cycle. Pain can cause depression and depression can cause pain. Each worsening the symptoms of the other. 

So if your goal is to simply eat better or move better, think about all the other positive things that go along with that. Recognize the important relationship between your mind and body. Make your health a priority so that you can enjoy all the beauties of life for years to come.

Our Mind-Body Small Groups are designed to help you feel better mentally and physically, have more confidence, and get stronger. When you go through this program, you will become more self-aware and more engaged in your own self-care. Learn more HERE…

Greg and Katie
Move. Smile. Breathe.
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