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Decluttering Your Environment

Decluttering Your Environment Impacts Your Well-Being

Your surroundings have a serious impact on your well-being. This is why decluttering your environment impacts your well-being.

For example, spending time in nature can lower stress, increase happiness, and release endorphins.

Our interior environment matters, too!

Spending time in a cluttered, unorganized home/room/office can actually increase stress and anxiety.  

In fact, a UCLA study found that clutter in your surroundings notably increases the production and release of cortisol in your body. 

Busy spaces also provide too many stimuli to the brain. This causes our senses to exert extra energy processing information that is not important – basically distracting our mind and body.

And messy areas signal to your brain that you are going to need to clean up or organize that space in the future. This adds stress to the upcoming task. And as that task continues to loom (because the clutter remains), that stress increases. 

You can’t think clearly or function at your highest level when you are in a cluttered space! This is even more of a problem for those who work from home. 

The productivity that you lose far exceeds the time that it would take to tackle the project of decluttering your space. 

Decluttering Your Environment:

Get rid of items that you don’t need.

Find appropriate “homes” for items that you do need or use.

Spend 15 minutes a day organizing an area in your home.

💡 Remove one item from your house for every item you bring into it.

💡 Find one item a day or 5 items a week that you don’t use and donate it.

Your brain 🧠 will thank you. 

What’s your favorite organizing or decluttering hack? Please share below!

Move. Smile. Breathe.

More articles about how your environment affects your wellness:

How Your Environment Impacts Your Wellness

7 Ways Your Environment Affects Your Health Goals

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