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Simple Tips for Better Physical Wellness

Simple Tips for Better Physical Wellness

Simple Tips for Better Physical Wellness

Physical wellness is defined as consistently making healthy lifestyle choices so that your body can function at its best. 

In addition to exercise and a healthy diet, these five simple tips can help you increase and maintain your physical wellness. 

💧 Drink plenty of water. 

Especially in the hot summer months! It is generally recommended that women drink 11 cups of water per day and men drink 16 cups.

❤️ Reduce stress.

A certain amount of stress on the body is good. But too much stress, especially too much for too long, can wreak havoc on the body. Find ways to cope and manage stress.

😴 Get enough sleep.

Your body can’t function properly without enough sleep. The National Sleep Foundation recommends between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per day. (This can be challenging for most adults… but cutting out that last episode of Netflix and going to bed will be well worth it!)

🧘 Stretch more often.

Without stretching, muscles become shorter and tighter – which weakens and prevents full extension when you use them. Stretching keeps your muscles flexible and healthy. 

🚶‍♀️ Add movement to your day. 

Exercising regularly is awesome. But making the lifestyle choice to add more movement to every day (whether it is a “gym day” or not) is a great way to boost your physical wellness. Take the stairs. Park farther from Target. Go for a walk after dinner. 

It’s important to consistently make healthy choices for your body – but it can be hard to know which choices are best! My 12 Weeks to a Healthier You program takes the guesswork out of staying healthy. Comment below with a muscle emoji 💪 for more info!

Move. Smile. Breathe.

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