Move Smile Breathe

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Is Your To-Do List Focused On Your Big Vision Goals? You

Focus on Your BIG Goals
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Is your to-do list focusing on the short term and not the bigger projects? Wouldn’t you like to accomplish some of your long-term, big vision goals?

Not only that, are you prioritizing your tasks? Which ones are most important and which are less important? How long each task will take? Which ones will help you reach your goals?

So, we tend to put off the bigger, long-term projects in favor of the easier, quicker tasks.

And the more we do it, the easier and easier it becomes to put something off.

Before we know it, looming tasks grow bigger in our minds and can actually add to feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and unproductivity. 

When I was a beginner teacher I had the opportunity to attend a Stephen Covey training. It changed my productivity so much! I don’t remember whether the training was based on his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People or his book First Things First. Both of these books are incredible!

The Basics of Organizing Your to-do List

  1. Write it all down. Write down everything you “need” to do.
  2. Look for anything that needs to be done today. Of the things that need to be done today, what needs to be done first? Write the letter A next to this task.
  3. Continue with tasks that need to happen today. Order them from what’s most important to least by labeling them with the next sequential letters of the alphabet. A-D are usually the main 4 tasks you will be able to accomplish throughout your day.
  4. Your least urgent and/or least important tasks should end up at the bottom of your list.

You may need to do these 4 steps each day.

As you cross items off your to-do list you can continue down your original list. However, if you are like most of us, more tasks will be added daily to your list. Some of these new tasks may need to move up to your A-D priority positions.

What is one task that you have been procrastinating? Can you complete it or work towards it this week?

I challenge you to pick a project this week that would feel good to complete or that will get you closer to a big vision goal.

Move. Smile. Breathe.

Looking for more help on setting and achieving goals? Here’s Day 1 of our 4 day series on Goals!

Not sure what your BIG vision goals are? Let’s get a plan started to reach your goals! Book an appointment with me, Katie, and let’s work together to set them! Email me for availability.

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