Showing 15 Result(s)
woman peeking from behind notebook

Many Diets Fail Because of This Reason

Many diets fail because, well … people are hungry!  Eating less during the day to cut calories often leads to overeating in the evening because people are not eating enough quality calories and are hungry! Reducing calories during the week tends to contribute to binging on weekends because people have been eating salads every day …

financial wellness

Financial Wellness

How often do you focus on your financial wellness? It means you can pay bills, manage monthly expenses (without living paycheck to paycheck) and conserve money for emergencies.  You feel secure enough in your finances that it does not cause stress. The best way to achieve financial wellness and alleviate financial stress is to plan …

pumpkin and leaves

3 Healthy Ways to Feed Your Pumpkin Obsession

Pumpkin is considered a superfood. Pumpkins are low in calories and chock full of essential vitamins and fiber. Let’s feed your pumpkin obsession in a healthier way! But grabbing a pumpkin spice latte or a slice of pumpkin pie is a far cry from reaping the health benefits of this super squash. Most pumpkin-flavored drinks and …

What Can You Say “No” To This Week?

When we say “Yes” to one thing, we ultimately say “No” to another. Yes to the social gathering, may mean No to doing chores around the house. Yes to working overtime, may mean No to family dinner. If any of the below statements resonate with you, it may be time to take a closer look …

How to Keep Going When the Journey is Hard

This last week was hard here at our house. Several hard things happened and we had to make some decisions. Life does that sometimes and it’s good to know how to keep going when the journey is hard. Would you pick up a book or watch a movie about someone taking a long journey through …

A Perfect Body is Not the Goal

Several times this week I have been reminded of this message: having a fit, model perfect, society praised, perfect 10 body is NOT why we are on this earth. Having a perfect body is not the goal. Satan often tries to make us lose focus and distracts us with ideas and activities that are less …

Getting Back to Exercise

I know about 6 weeks ago a lot of us set a goal to get more exercise or movement into our lives. How has that been going? If you are like most people life has gotten busy and some of your plans have fallen to the back burner. Life happens. Here are some tips to …

Day 4: How to Actually Reach Your Goals

So here’s the part where you take action and actually reach your goals. Every decision, big or small, points your life in a direction.  And every decision has the potential to become a habit over time.  And habits, over time, become a lifestyle. When you are about to make a decision, consider which direction it …