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Before Going on Any Diet, Please Do This!

woman holding a spoon in front of her face

This is more important than going on a diet this January…

Tis’ the season for weight loss New Year Resolutions. 

Many are looking to see what diet or technique worked for others and give it a try this year.

I am here to say, weight loss should NOT be the ONLY goal that someone has. In fact, it should really be a secondary result of living a healthier, better, and longer life.

Before you jump on the latest diet bandwagon, please address any deficiencies in your diet. More than 80 percent of the population has at least one nutritional deficiency.

If your body is lacking something it needs, it simply will not function properly — and that makes any health or fitness goal a lot harder.

So, to eliminate deficiencies, the first thing you need to do is clean up your diet a bit.

  • Get plenty of vitamins and minerals (fruits and vegetables!)
  • Make sure you are getting enough protein and healthy fats
  • Drink more water

Establishing optimal eating habits one step at a time allows you to create a sustainable change.

And anything worth doing takes time.

Once nutritional deficiencies are addressed and you feel you are eating a well-balanced diet most of the time, then you can start to focus on calories, macro breakdowns, portions, meal timing, etc. But those are advanced tactics that won’t serve you well if you are not eating a well-balanced diet to begin with. 

Need a little extra help? Let’s work together to get your health and wellness on track. You can read more HERE.


7 Common Nutritional Deficiencies

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