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Take 5 Minutes In The Morning For Your Mind and Body

How we start our morning often sets the tone for our day. So let’s start taking 5 minutes in the morning for our minds and bodies.

And often we wake up immediately thinking about our busy day ahead!

Even if you are not a morning person (I am not), creating some regular small habits can help you set yourself up for a better day every day!

Remember small habits lead to big changes.

So let’s get you ready for a happier, less stressed morning:

Drink a big glass or bottle of water

Each morning either with your breakfast or before breakfast drink some water. If you can aim to drink 8-24 ounces of water with each meal throughout your day.

Your body has been working and processing all night while you rested and you need to rehydrate it. Drinking water in the morning is also a great way to cleanse your body of any toxicity that your body has processed while you were asleep. By flushing out those harmful substances, your body can return to its normal functions with greater ease.


I challenge you to take 5 minutes in the morning and do at least ONE stretch (or yoga pose). One stretch won’t take you 5 minutes, so you may choose to stretch a little longer, learn a new yoga pose or take a few extra minutes to relax.

Stretching improves joint health which increases your flexibility and mobility – making movement and daily tasks easier. It also increases body and mind alignment and can also decrease stress. In addition, stretching and moving help increase blood flow, reduce muscle tension, build stronger muscles, and boost energy!

Not to mention by moving your body you are boosting your endorphins, which in turn immediately improves your morning mood.


Think of ONE thing that you are grateful for. 

Studies show that a daily practice of gratitude can lead to increased optimism, satisfaction, enthusiasm, motivation, and HAPPINESS.

Consciously choose to think of one thing you are grateful for each day. Honestly, it can be the same thing every day. Just take a moment at the start of your day to be thankful.

Make your bed

It may seem simple, but making your bed in the morning sets your mind up for a quick reward.

It brings a sense of pride and encourages you to complete more tasks throughout your day. It is also scientifically correlated with higher productivity and better habits overall.

Listen to this speech by William McRaven, US Navy Admiral on how making your bed can change your life.

Honestly it’s relatively easy and makes me much happier every time I walk into my bedroom and see my bed made versus when it’s messy.

Meditate, pray, breathe, or journal

Set aside a minute or two in the morning to connect your mind and spirit with God. You might pray, meditate, read a daily devotion, or journal your daily gratitude. By practicing this healthy habit, you are focusing your mind and spirit towards hope and inspiration.

Taking this time helps to reduce stress and find your center. It can also help remind you or your goals and priorities for your day and life.

Ignore your phone

60%-80% of Americans touch their phones in the morning within 15 minutes of waking up.

As soon as we touch our phone and it’s notifications, texts, and emails we invite a flood of stimulation and outside stressors into our day.

But try not touching it and let your mind stay in it’s relaxed state a little longer. It’s better for our minds and bodies to have less stress in our days.

So what about you? Taking 5 minutes in the morning and doing one or two of these habits is TOTALLY doable. 

Will you take 5 minutes in the morning for the next 7 days and do one or two of these healthy habits? Leave a comment and let me know if you accept the challenge.

Move. Smile. Breathe.

Want to learn more? Why Gratitude is Essential

1 Comment

  1. I have practiced this for many a year and I remember when “Make your Bed ” commencement speech took place. I read the book numerous times. But I loved reading this. I also practice a routine of cleaning up at night as it’s a pleasant way to begin the morning as well. Just looked out at the moon and enjoyed a few quiet moments Thank God for this day it comes to a close.

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