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woman setting table

Hosting Hacks For The Holiday Season

woman setting Christmas table
Use these 3 ideas to make your holidays easier
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Christmas is almost here.

It’s the most magical time of year…  

Baking, cooking, and roasting.

Joy, laughter, and cheer.

Toasting, gathering, and hosting!

Here are three simple hosting hacks to save you time this holiday season.

✨ Bust out the crockpots. 

Crockpots (or slow cookers) are a hostess’s LIFESAVER. 

The internet provides endless easy, creative, healthy crockpot recipes. Choose a recipe that allows you to create your main course in the crockpot. If you have more than one crockpot (or can borrow from a friend), you can make the sides in them too! This way you can prep/cook hours before anyone even arrives at your home and can spend more time mingling and greeting guests during the party. Because the crockpot will keep your food warm, this also takes the pressure off of perfect timing. (BONUS TIP: Set up a buffet-style food table so that guests can serve themselves and opt for easy prep side dishes as well so that your whole spread is already prepared before the party starts!)

✨ Redefine fancy and festive by opting for beautiful, holiday paper products.

I love good china as much as the next person – but clean-up after hosting a group can be a nightmare. Save yourself the stress by opting for pretty, festive paper plates and napkins. Many stores have started selling high-quality and beautifully designed paperware for the holidays. Making it possible to skip the nice dishes and still have a beautifully set table! 

✨ It doesn’t have to be perfect. 

Sounds simple and obvious. But this hack is often the hardest! We get so caught up in wanting to create the picture-perfect gathering – that we sometimes miss the actual joy. When we gather to celebrate the holidays, it’s not the perfectly set table or the insta-worthy decor that warms our hearts. It’s the love and appreciation of spending time with the people valuable to us that matters most. Remind yourself of that the next time the pie crust gets a little burnt or you forget that one ingredient at the store. 

Do you have any hosting hacks? Share it with us below! 

Move. Smile. Breathe.
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