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two pairs of boots walking in the snow

Why You Should Take a Winter Walk

two sets of boots walking away in the snow
Walking in a winter wonderland?

Studies show that exercise significantly decreases in the winter, especially during December. Colder weather keeps more folks inside and hectic holiday schedules make finding time to work out a challenge. But a winter walk has many benefits for us.

I get it. I love snuggling up under a warm blanket with a hot cup of cocoa on a cold, snowy day. Who’s with me?  

While it is certainly tempting to stay comfy and cozy inside – your body will thank you for bundling up and taking a brisk winter walk outside. 

Walking for 30 minutes each day is the perfect winter exercise regime. (And if you can’t fit in a walk every day, you can still reap the benefits by walking a few days a week!)

Studies show that one walk outside each day can:

🫁 Increase heart and lung health. 

❄️ Reduce body fat. 

💪 Increase muscle tone and endurance.

❄️ Prevent muscle and joint stiffness. 

😔 Lower depression.

❄️ Improve balance.

🦴 Strengthen bones. 

Some ideas to get your winter walk started:

  • put your hot drink in a to-go cup
  • dress in layers
  • cover your hands and head/ears
  • wear comfortable shoes appropriate for wet or snowy ground
  • wool socks help too
  • Bright colors to be seen easily
  • grab the dog leash
  • invite your kids or friends and make it a social event
  • listen to music
  • listen to an audio book
  • use a scarf to protect your face from the wind
  • sunscreen to prevent sunburn and sun damage to your skin

We have a Walking Every Day Facebook group where we encourage one another to incorporate walking into your daily life.

If you’re on Facebook come on over and join us! Stay active, healthy, and happy this winter! 

Want some more ways to sneak exercise in every day?

Move. Smile. Breathe.
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