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3 Self Care Tips for a Happier, Healthier You

Self Care isn’t selfish

3 Self Care Tips…

You can’t pour from an empty cup. 

Put your oxygen mask on first. 

Etc. Etc.

We have all heard the sayings about taking care of yourself first so that you are able to fill all of your other roles. 

If you are anything like me, sometimes that is easier said than done. By the time I meet my responsibilities at work, at home, in my business, and in my relationships – some days it seems like there isn’t really any time left in the day for me. 

But those sayings are more than platitudes – and the truth is, if you don’t take care of yourself then you won’t be able to fill your many roles to the best of your potential. 

Hello, self-care!

Self-care doesn’t have to mean bubble baths, facemasks, and candles. (Although, I do love soaking in a hot bath.)

In fact, the first step to a happy, healthier you is figuring out what works for YOU

These 3 self-care tips can help you get into the habit of including self-care in your daily life. 

✅ What helps you destress? 

Determine what activities or relaxation techniques make you feel relaxed and recharged. 

✅ Schedule time for yourself. 

Once you have identified what fills your cup, schedule the time to do it! That might mean waking up 20 minutes earlier for quiet yoga and meditation. Or ordering dinner or having another family member cook one evening a week so that you can use that time to go for a quiet walk alone. 

✅ Pay attention to what brings you joy. 

Finding time to do the activities that help you decompress and destress are an important aspect of self-care. But investing time into the activities that bring joy to your life is equally important. Self-care doesn’t mean that you have to do it by yourself! If spending time with friends and family is what brings joy to your life, doing more of that is also self-care!

What helps you destress? What adds joy to your life?

Move. Smile. Breathe.

More articles on Self Care

One of the BEST things you can do for self-care is to join one of our Mind Body Small Groups.

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