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No Buts Challenge

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Join us for the No Buts Challenge and stop making excuses for not doing the things you know you should be doing!

During this challenge, any time you find yourself saying, ” I really should _______ (fill in the blank), BUT….” you are going to stop and DO IT ANYWAYS!

Stop making excuses for not getting it done!

Stop telling yourself that you would do it, but….

Stop rationalizing it.

Stop justifying it.

Just do it!

And if you’re already making the excuse that it’s too big or will take too long, STOP IT!

Get up and work towards it. Even if it’s just 5-10 minutes.


As Gloria Estefan sings, “Get on your feet. Get up and make it happen.”

What the No Buts Challenge might look like for you

This challenge is going to look different for everyone.

It might look different day to day for you.

Will you pick a big project that you’ve been putting off to work on all month long?

You can go day by day and see what comes up for you.

Do you want to pick something different each week?

It is really UP TO YOU what this is going to look like and whether you FOCUS on ONE THING OR MANY THINGS.

You may want to pick an area to focus on such as work, career, marriage, relationships, money, or health.

Why you should do the No Buts Challenge

This challenge is about developing your self discipline.

It’s about becoming the person you want to be. Accomplishing the things you want to do.

It’s about being better than yesterday.

It’s about possibilities!

Let’s look at the meaning of self-discipline.

Definition of Self Discipline

Self-discipline is the ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s weaknesses; the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it.

Oxford Languages

Self discipline is both the key to your success and the cause of your failure. If you have it you can succeed at anything you work towards. If you are lacking in it you will underachieve and fall short.


Are you going to do what you know you should be doing or what is easy?

This is a daily, if not hourly, battle for the life you want for yourself.

10 things to keep in mind

  1. Think long term. Focus on the big picture of what you want, not your current mood or feeling.
  2. Consider the consequences of not doing it at the moment.
  3. Focus on the reward or benefit you will receive by doing it.
  4. “Dinner before dessert.” Put in the effort first and add something fun afterward.
  5. You are worth it!
  6. Learning or starting something new can be hard, but you can get better at it.
  7. Everyone starts somewhere.
  8. Keeping your promises to yourself is important.
  9. Excuses benefit no one.
  10. Think about the satisfaction of accomplishment you’ll feel when you get it done.

Are you in?

What are you waiting for?


You can join us over in our Facebook group here or over on Instagram.

We’ll be using Brian Tracy’s book No Excuses if you’d like to follow along with us or get ahead.

No Excuses by Brian Tracy

Keep moving.

Keep smiling.

Keep breathing.


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