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DAY 2: Visualize Your Success

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When you visualize your success, AMAZING things start to happen.

Visualizing gives you something to work towards and allows you to recognize what you want when you see it. 

This is why athletes visualize their win before a big game. Muhammad Ali saw himself victorious long before the actual fight. And Michael Jordan always took the last shot in his mind before he ever took one in real life.

When we visualize success we see ourselves living that way and identify as that person.

This gives us a destination to head towards and allows us to recognize what we want when we see it. 

When you visualize your success, AMAZING things start to happen.

Let’s dig deeper and think about WHO you want to become, how you will FEEL and BEHAVE as that person who achieved the goal.

Yogi Berra

Think about where you want to be next year…Or in 5 years… and then ask yourself these 3 questions:

WHO do I have to BE to reach my goal?

Example 1: I want to have an online business that brings in a nice chunk of revenue for my family and also allows me to enjoy time with my family, then I have to BE happy, content, innovative, decisive, and on the front end of new strategies and information in my industry.

Example 2: I want to be a healthy weight so that I have energy and self-love to be fully present and happy around my family. I am a role model for my children. I want to BE happy, content, and loving.

How do I BEHAVE when I reach my goals?

Example 1: I would stop wasting time trying to make things perfect. I would have set hours and days to get work done so I don’t feel so rushed and stressed. I would make continued education more of a priority and I would hire someone because I cannot get everything done in my business that needs to get done right now with 2 small kids, training, and running a fitness center 30 hours a week.

Example 2: I would wake up earlier because I would have more energy and eat breakfast with my kids before school. I would meal prep on Sundays so I ate healthy during the week and didn’t reach for junk when tired or stressed. I would cook healthy meals for dinner and we would sit down as a family to eat them together. I would go for weekend walks with my husband and enjoy him more. I would stop hating what I see in the mirror and love me for who I am – perfectly imperfect!

How do you want to feel?
HOW do I FEEL as this person?

Sometimes we picture success and want it so bad but we never stop to think about how it would make us feel!

Example 1: I would feel accomplished and excited and also a little scared that my family is now relying so much on my business. I would feel grateful that I can do what I love and provide for my family. I’d understand that success comes and goes, and it is a gift from God.

Example 2: I would feel confident in who I am. I feel like a good mom and wife who is a positive role model for her family. I would feel happy and excited about life.

Use the worksheet below to answer these questions. 

Think about what your day looks like as the active and confident version of you… how would you behave, how would you feel?

Focus areas:

  • Health and happiness
  • Relationships
  • Heart and spiritual growth
  • Time and money
  • Professional
Move better. Smile more. Breathe easier.

If you’re looking for a book recommendation, check out Living Forward by Michael Hyatt.

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