Move Smile Breathe

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Living a Joyful Life

Sometimes living a joyful life is hard, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

What is your life’s purpose, value and meaning?

This can be a hard question, right?

People have been searching for the meaning of life for thousands of years.

In my efforts to look at all areas of wellness, I’d like to talk about spiritual wellness – an aspect that is larger than ourselves.

Spiritual wellness has to do with both the belief that there is something greater than ourselves and recognizing the value of our relationship with other human beings.

Psalm 16:11

Core Values

Ask yourself, what 3-5 things do you believe are most valuable to you in this life?

Then ask yourself, are you participating in activities that are consistent with your beliefs and values?

Now, there are going to be things that probably don’t seem to bring you happiness on the surface… like doing the tenth load of laundry for the day or eating a salad for lunch. 

But when we change our focus and mindset to one of gratitude and serving, it can make an unpleasant task more meaningful and joyful.

We joyfully do the laundry because we love serving our family and are grateful to have a washer and dryer! We enjoy the healthy salad because it is providing our bodies with nutrients and are thankful we have access to such healthy foods.

It is important to take time to think about what is important in life and how you are investing your time, resources, emotions, energy, money, and focus to align with your values – and enjoy your purpose in life.

What 3-5 things do you believe are most valuable to you in this life? 

If you are not sure what your core values are take the core values assessment here at Life Values Inventory.

The free assessment at Life Values Inventory was very helpful for me personally and also helpful for my husband and me to compare understand one another better.

It’s important to understand our motivations for WHY we are doing things in our lives.

Move. Smile. Breathe.

Are you looking for more on gratitude? Why Gratitude is Essential

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