Move Smile Breathe

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Choice do you take time to rest?

Do you have Hurry Sickness?

Choice do you take time to rest?
Do you rest?

Do you have Hurry Sickness?

Not sure? How many of these symptoms do you have?

10 Symptoms of Hurry Sickness

  1. Irritability
  2. Hypersensitive
  3. Restlessness
  4. Workaholic or Non Stop Activity
  5. Emotional Numbness
  6. Out of Order Priorities
  7. Lack of Self Care
  8. Escapist Behavior (social media, Netflix, video games)
  9. Slippage of Spiritual Disciplines
  10. Isolation

What’s your score?

Do you think you need to slow down? Most of us probably do.

If you believe you answered yes to too many of these symptoms then maybe you need to take some time and learn how to BE STILL again.

Woman sitting with prayer hands
Be Still

Here are some options:

Revelation Wellness has a 21 Day Meditation Challenge. Learn how and why to be still in Christ. Jesus was never in a hurry. Remember his friend Lazarus? Remember in his final hours he took time to be alone and meditate and pray? Find out why and how! 

A second option is Life Coaching. Let me help you by identifying and refocusing on what’s most important to you in this stage of your life. Find out more here and reach out to me to set up your 3 session package.

And a third option is to attend one of my mind-body medicine 8-week small group sessions. My friend Renae and I teach them 2-3 times a year. You can find out more here.

Move. Smile. Breathe.
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