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women squatting

3 Best Strength Exercises For Your Backside

Are you looking to improve your backside? These recommended strength exercises for your backside strengthen your backside (aka posterior chain) from shoulders to ankles.

women squatting
3 exercises to strengthen your backside

Katie’s favorite! ⭐ Squats

Muscles worked: quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, lower back, glutes, and abdominals

Squats strengthen the muscles around your knees, therefore helping to protect your knees from injury. They also strengthen the glutes (aka buttocks) which help with proper posture and reduce low back pain. 

Your legs and glutes are very strong and powerful muscles. Improving strength in these bigger muscles could improve metabolism. 

Squats also engage your hip, knee, and ankle joints which improves joint strength and mobility.

Greg’s favorite! ⭐ Deadlifts

Muscles worked: hamstrings, quadriceps, lower back, glutes, lats, and abdominals

Some call deadlifts the king of exercises. They are super functional and the exercise you should use when lifting something heavy. No other exercise targets the glutes like the deadlift. 

Strong glutes transfer to better endurance, power, and injury prevention. Deadlifts also improve your grip strength, posture, and bend-lift mobility. 

Often one of the most difficult exercises to learn, but once mastered, you can add weight to the bar pretty significantly.

A whole-body exercise ⭐ Kettlebell Swings

Muscles worked: hips, glutes, hamstrings, latissimus dorsi, and shoulders

This is an amazing exercise that increases power, strength, and flexibility. The biggest problem with the kettlebell swing is that many people do them wrong. When done properly, you will see great gains in the way you look and feel.

Which one of these 3 strength exercises for your backside is your favorite? Least favorite? Comment and let us know.

Achey in your back? Tired of being winded from standing up? It’s time for you to get stronger. Contact us and let’s work on creating your strength program.

Greg and Katie
Move. Smile. Breathe.
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