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Eating Habits To Avoid if You Want a Flat Stomach

Removing some tummy bloat

We all want a flat stomach. Having excess weight around our middle can make it hard to feel confident in our skin and comfortable in our clothes. 

We usually attribute our belly size to fat (which sometimes it is). But for many adults, the size of our midsections is seriously influenced by bloating. Research suggests that 16% to 31% of people experience bloating.

Gut bloat is caused when your gastrointestinal tract fills with excess air or gas. This air causes your stomach to expand and “bloat” while also creating discomfort throughout your entire middle section. 

This means that there are no amount of crunches that can get you the flat stomach that you strive for if you are bloated.

In fact, you may actually be doing things that can CAUSE gut bloat. 

A few main causes of bloating include:

  • Swallowing air (this can happen when you chew gum, smoke, or eat too fast)
  • Overeating
  • Alcohol
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Food intolerances (ex. Dairy)

Recognizing when you experience the symptoms of gut bloat – an overly full feeling, gas, stomach pain, and sometimes gurgling or rumbling – can also help you to identify opportunities for improvement. 

Possible solutions to beat the bloat and get a flat stomach:

  • Stop chewing gum
  • Keep a log or food journal with your reactions, feelings, and moods
  • Eat appropriate food portions
  • Practice slow, mindful eating
  • Reduce or eliminate alcohol and carbonated drink intake
  • Eat naturally fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi with probiotics for your stomach

Which one of these solutions will you try? Comment below and let us know.

Understanding the way that our body works is the first step toward having a healthier body. My 12 Weeks to a Healthier You nutrition and fitness program is about much more than diet and exercise. Comment below or email us if you want more information!

Greg and Katie
Move. Smile. Breathe.
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