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Why Daily Habits Matter

Why daily habits matter

Why daily habits matter…

Weight loss goals are usually about numbers. I want to lose 10 pounds. I want to fit into my size 4 jeans. 

This means that, if you are successful at reaching your weight loss goal, there is a finish line. 

The problem with having a finish line when it comes to your health is that once you have accomplished your short-term goal, it is easy to slip back into old, unhealthier habits. And then the weight comes back.

On the flip side, if you are not successful at reaching your weight loss goal within the short-term timeframe that you envisioned, you might feel discouraged and give up.

Setting short-term goals to lose weight is very different from setting long-term goals to make healthier choices and maintain a healthy weight. 

Fad diets and radical exercise to drop pounds are not sustainable for long periods of time.

Success at anything is a series of small choices, consistency, and time.

Every decision, big or small, points your life in a direction. And every decision has the potential to become a habit over time. And habits, over time, become a lifestyle. When you are about to make a decision, consider which direction it is taking you.

Forget about the numbers on the scale. 

Each day you have the opportunity to make a choice about what you eat, whether or not you exercise, and how you treat your body.

Making choices for your diet and exercise patterns in a sustainable way helps you lose weight – but more importantly, builds a healthy lifestyle and helps you maintain a healthy weight

With so many choices to make for your health and wellness, it can feel overwhelming! Find out more about how we can help here.

Greg and Katie

3 Simple Steps To Eating Healthy Every Week

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