Author: Katie Malloy
Decluttering Your Environment
Your surroundings have a serious impact on your well-being. This is why decluttering your environment impacts your well-being. For example, spending time in nature can lower stress, increase happiness, and release endorphins. Our interior environment matters, too! Spending time in a cluttered, unorganized home/room/office can actually increase stress and anxiety. In fact, a UCLA study found…
Simple Tips for Better Physical Wellness
Simple Tips for Better Physical Wellness Physical wellness is defined as consistently making healthy lifestyle choices so that your body can function at its best. In addition to exercise and a healthy diet, these five simple tips can help you increase and maintain your physical wellness. 💧 Drink plenty of water. Especially in the hot…
What is the 52-day Best Body Countdown?
Best Body Countdown is…a life-changer! The Best Body Countdown is a guided 52-day journey to your Best YOU – both inside and out. In every season of life “Your Best Body” may be defined slightly differently, but it’s always yours to define. Sohailla Digsby created this 52-day program because she was tired of seeing people drag around, starving and listless…
3 Self Care Tips for a Happier, Healthier You
3 Self Care Tips… You can’t pour from an empty cup. Put your oxygen mask on first. Etc. Etc. We have all heard the sayings about taking care of yourself first so that you are able to fill all of your other roles. If you are anything like me, sometimes that is easier said than…
Financial Wellness
How often do you focus on your financial wellness? It means you can pay bills, manage monthly expenses (without living paycheck to paycheck) and conserve money for emergencies. You feel secure enough in your finances that it does not cause stress. The best way to achieve financial wellness and alleviate financial stress is to plan…
More Than Just Diet and Exercise
Often when we think of health and wellness – we think of our physical health, diet, and exercise. Our general idea of health is being free from illness, eating well, and exercising. Maintaining wellness is more than just diet and exercise. In fact, your overall health (and quality of life) are determined by 8 different…
3️⃣ Steps to Being Emotionally Well
Before I share these three steps, it may be helpful to define “emotional wellness.” Below are a few bullet points on what emotional wellness is and is NOT. Being “emotionally well” means… You understand and feel your emotions. You accept the positive and negative and allow them to be there. You do not indulge in…
How Your Diet Affects Your Mental & Emotional Health
When it comes to mental and emotional health, there are a variety of factors that contribute to feeling strong and healthy. These factors include things like exercise, diet, sleep, social support, stress management, and a sense of purpose. There are many factors at play when we consider overall health. And there are many foods and…