Category: Mind Body
How Your Diet Affects Your Mental & Emotional Health
When it comes to mental and emotional health, there are a variety of factors that contribute to feeling strong and healthy. These factors include things like exercise, diet, sleep, social support, stress management, and a sense of purpose. There are many factors at play when we consider overall health. And there are many foods and…
Control Your Thoughts
Taking Control Of Your Thoughts Any tool can be used for us or against us, and so can our thoughts. Many of us think a certain way or believe certain things. More times than not – we are not even aware of it. If you are thinking automatic negative thoughts (ANTS) that are based on…
4 Powerful and Simple Weight Loss Steps
4 Powerful and Simple Weight Loss Steps Diets and meal plans take the thinking out of the game. You blindly follow a way of eating and rely on the diet to provide you with the exact nutrition plan for your complex body. When you rely on something external for success, like a diet or meal…
A Simple Self-Acceptance Practice
Self-acceptance and contentment can make ALL the difference in your life. We often think external things will make us happy. We might think that if we were thin, had more money, or were more successful, we would be happy and everything would just fall into place. Happiness has to do with your emotions, thoughts, and…
The Power of YET
Yet: A Powerful Little Word That Can Change Your Whole Mindset According to psychologists at Stanford, there are two distinctly different types of people when it comes to mindset. Fixed Mindset: CAN’T People with a fixed mindset believe that skills and talents – and limitations – are concrete and unchangeable. The idea is that talent…
“Who Do You Want To Become Goal” Visualization
Visualization will help you reach your goals! Success looks different to everyone. But one universal truth about success – no matter what kind – is that you have to be able to believe that you can achieve it. “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right,” Henry Ford If you…
We need to train our MIND and BODY
When it comes to working out – we must train our mind just like we do our bodies. We must have discipline + conviction towards our goals. ⚡ Discipline: Reaching any goal – including a health goal – cannot be done without the discipline to show up every day, even when we don’t feel like…
Is Your To-Do List Focused On Your Big Vision Goals? You
Is your to-do list focusing on the short term and not the bigger projects? Wouldn’t you like to accomplish some of your long-term, big vision goals? Not only that, are you prioritizing your tasks? Which ones are most important and which are less important? How long each task will take? Which ones will help you…
Why We Need a Resiliency Mindset When We Want To Accomplish Hard Things
Your thoughts influence the way that you view the world around you – and how you navigate through it. They impact what you believe about yourself and the way that you feel, think, and act. Your mindset affects every aspect of your life. And especially when it comes to achieving a goal. Every success has failures…
7 Ways to Boost Your Immunity
if you ask me, we need to give more attention to strengthening our immune system. It’s your immune system, and here’s why I think it needs more attention. Your immune system is basically like your very own Marvel superhero universe, working hard to protect your body 24/7 from invaders. Here’s the overlooked part: when you…