woman holding a squat

We need to train our MIND and BODY

Action starts in your MIND

When it comes to working out – we must train our mind just like we do our bodies.

We must have discipline + conviction towards our goals.

⚡ Discipline:

Reaching any goal – including a health goal – cannot be done without the discipline to show up every day, even when we don’t feel like it.

It would be easy to sleep in, do whatever we want, show up to work whenever we want, and eat whatever we want? 

But then we would not get the results that we want. 

We must train our mind.

⚡ Conviction:

Having a goal is not enough.

Just having a goal will not stop you from quitting. It won’t push you when things get hard.

You have to have a strong reason WHY –  one that is deeply rooted in what matters most to you. Having a strong why will help you keep going when the going gets tough.

We must train our mind.

Change starts in your MIND.

Do you have any big, hard goals this year? Tell me about them here on Facebook!

Are you ready to see a change in your life?

Do you want to lose weight, have more energy with less inflammation, better sleep, and less stress without cutting out any food groups or exercising non-stop? I have a brand new 12-week program starting soon! Find out more!

Greg and Katie
Move. Smile. Breathe.

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