Tag: mind body

  • 5 Healthy Habits For Kids
  • How Your Diet Affects Your Mental & Emotional Health

    How Your Diet Affects Your Mental & Emotional Health

    When it comes to mental and emotional health, there are a variety of factors that contribute to feeling strong and healthy. These factors include things like exercise, diet, sleep, social support, stress management, and a sense of purpose. There are many factors at play when we consider overall health. And there are many foods and…

  • We need to train our MIND and BODY

    We need to train our MIND and BODY

    When it comes to working out – we must train our mind just like we do our bodies. We must have discipline + conviction towards our goals. ⚡ Discipline: Reaching any goal – including a health goal – cannot be done without the discipline to show up every day, even when we don’t feel like…

  • The Power of Positive Affirmations

    The Power of Positive Affirmations

    Words are powerful. Repetition can be powerful. So if you are going to repeat words over and over again inside your head or out loud you want to choose some positive affirmations. Some people would even say, words are the most powerful weapons that humans have. Negative words can hurt. Words can heal and they…

  • 4 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude

    4 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude

    Before I share 4 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude, did you know there are some proven benefits of practicing gratitude? Proven Benefits of Gratitude: Opens the door to new relationships Improves physical and psychological health Enhances empathy  Improves self-esteem Reduce stress and anger Improves sleep quality 4 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude 1️⃣ Write a Thank You…

  • 4 Ways to Fight Overwhelm

    4 Ways to Fight Overwhelm

    At times life can feel like there’s too much to do and not enough time to get it all done. We feel overwhelmed by our circumstances. So what can you do to regroup when you’re overwhelmed? Let’s look at 4 things you can do to fight to overwhelm. 4 Ways to Fight Overwhelm: Know your…

  • Self Care Classes

    Self Care Classes

    Join a mind-body small group self-care class. Thanks to training from the Center for Mind-Body Medicine we are able to offer small group Mind-Body classes. These classes are 1.5 hours to 2 hours long and have an 8-week commitment. You are expected to attend each session, except in rare, unforeseen circumstances During the 8 weeks, you will learn how…

  • 10 Ways to Reduce Stress Today!

    10 Ways to Reduce Stress Today!

    Does that exclamation and title stress you out a little bit? A lot?! Let’s look at 10 ways to reduce stress today. April is Stress Awareness Month although I would say every single day we need to be aware of our stress. Being in a consistent state of stress can result in insomnia, depression, high…

  • 5 Minute Happiness Assessment

    5 Minute Happiness Assessment

    Let’s take a 5 minute happiness assessment. Psychologists describe happiness as the frequent experience of positive emotions (joy, excitement, contentment) combined with a deeper, overall feeling of meaning and purpose in one’s life.  This does not mean we are happy all the time because there are hard and difficult things happening in our lives.  But…