How To Exercise and Grow Your Mind

We talk a lot about exercising, challenging, and growing our bodies. However, let’s not forget one of our most valuable assets in life…our brains! Let’s look at how to exercise and grow your mind.

Intellectual or mental wellness is:

  • the ability to increase your own understanding and knowledge base
  • improve your personal skill sets
  • maintain an openness to new ideas
  • constantly challenge yourself to expand knowledge and skills

Let’s break that down. 

🧠 Increase your understanding and knowledge base. 

Intellectual wellness requires you to develop and understand your own viewpoints and opinions as well as the viewpoints and opinions of others. Reading, studying, writing, contemplating, listening, playing games, and having open and respectful conversations/debates with others can increase your understanding and level of knowledge. 

🧠 Improve your skill sets. 

Identify your own personal creative and intellectual gifts. Find ways to expand and improve those gifts. 

🧠 Be open to new ideas. 

You can’t grow without new information and ideas. Challenge yourself to see all aspects and perspectives. Constantly re-evaluate how new ideas impact your viewpoints. 

🧠 And then… challenge yourself some more! 

Become a life-long learner. Make it a priority to learn new things and develop new skills. 

A focus on mental and intellectual health requires you to engage in activities that exercise and grow your mind. Focus on stimulating your personal areas of creativity while also developing new skills and gaining knowledge.

I’ve created a FREE Wellness Assessment that assesses where you are in the 8 aspects of wellness.

Click HERE to take the simple self-assessment that will help you evaluate your current state in each aspect. Determine areas you may be thriving in and those that may need greater attention. (Some areas you may not have even considered before!)

Move. Smile. Breathe.

Do you often judge yourself on your body shape or weight? Check out 4 Steps to a Healthier Body Image.