How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

You can eat healthy without breaking the bank.

Eating healthy doesn’t have to break the bank – in fact, there are tricks that you can use to eat healthy on a budget.

Here are a few ideas you can implement today:

Meal planning, cooking at home, and making wise choices at the grocery store can make your dollar go further on a tight budget while still providing healthy meals for you and your family!

👨🏻‍🍳 Plan meals in advance to create your grocery list based only on items that you NEED. And then be sure to stick to the list!

Start by looking in your refrigerator or pantry and see what you have. Now, what meals can you cook using these ingredients? Schedule these meals for the week and only buy the ingredients you are missing for these recipes. Check out this post here on Meal Planning Made Easy.

🥘 Cook larger portions of your meals. Leftovers can be used for lunch the next day or frozen for a later meal. Leftovers are also great in casseroles and soups!

Doubling the recipe can not only sometimes save you money, but it can also save you time and energy later on in the week. Soups and stews especially taste better the after sitting in the refrigerator for a night.

🐟 Cheaper cuts of meat and fish are also perfect for soups, stews, burritos, casseroles, and stir-fries.

You don’t have to buy the most expensive meat available. Yes, try to buy healthier choices and cuts of chicken, fish, turkey or beef, but you don’t have to buy the $35 a pound premium meat either.

🍳 Try skipping expensive meats for a couple of meals each week and substituting with other (less expensive) protein choices like eggs, canned fish, or legumes.

A nice omelet or frittata for dinner once a week is a nice and easy break for the cook and also costs less than most typical meat-based dinners. Other great options to try are spicy tuna or 3 Bean Chili.

✂️ Clip coupons and buy in bulk. Just be sure if you buy any perishable items in bulk that you plan to use them right away.

Don’t use coupons and buy items just because they are a good deal. If you are not going to use it or give it to someone else, then don’t buy it!

🍪 Skip the junk food! Junk food costs you twice – it is expensive to purchase and also takes a toll on your health and wellness.

Stick with the fresh items, which are usually on the perimeter of the grocery store, like vegetables, fruit, cheese, and meats.

Your turn, what tricks do you use to save money and still eat healthy on a budget? Share below!

Move. Smile. Breathe.