Habit or Goal Tracking

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I know a lot of us are working on healthier goals and new habits for the New Year’s so I thought I’d share a little something with you that I created and just recently put into an Etsy shop.

I created this habit tracker for myself personally to try to develop some healthier habits and keep myself accountable for reaching my goals that I’ve set for 2019. You can check out the blog post about my 2019 goals over here.

Included in the habit tracker is a page for each month with a box for me to write which goal I’m working on and a box to record why I’m working on this goal. Then at the bottom of the page there are 28 daily boxes in a grid format to check off or cross off IF I’ve completed the habit that I’m working on for that day.

For the month of January I’m really focusing on eating more veggies. You can see in my example how I’ve been doing making sure that I’m eating vegetables during the day. For some reason crossing off that little box makes me feel better.



I’m still working on my other goals for 2019 at the same time but I’m trying to focus on one each month. I might even add in some monthly challenges for myself on the other months if I’m doing well with my initial five goals for 2019.

I am already thinking about an appreciation gratitude goal for February and maybe a getting outside more often goal for March.

You could really use these trackers for just about anything that you’re trying to keep yourself accountable for or any kind of challenge habit goal that you want to work on.

Each month has different colored boxes on it. I tried to keep them colorful and somewhat relating to the month. Maybe that’s the former school teacher in me or maybe it’s just because I like colors!

The Habit Tracker is a full page PDF and you can print it out just like that and use it however you want.  I printed my Habit Tracker as two pages per printed page and then used my Arc punch so that I can use mine in my Happy Planner.  If you use a Happy Planner on a regular basis the Arc punch is worth the cost.  I’ve had mine for 4 years and it still works great! 

So what kind of habits or goals are you working on?  Even if it’s not the new year any longer you can always start tomorrow on being healthier, happier, and creating a better life for yourself and your loved ones. 

Check out the Habit Tracker over on our Etsy shop and let me know what you think! 
