Category: Mind Body
How Your Environment Impacts Your Wellness
Environmental well being consists of residing in a space that promotes good health, positivity, and well being. Let’s talk about how your environment impacts your wellness. There are a lot of things that we may not have control over when it comes to our personal environment. Maintaining a clean and organized living room when you have…
Stop Comparing Yourself
Stop comparing yourself to others. Use the gifts and abilities God has given you! At the end of this life, God isn’t going to ask how you did compare to anybody else. He’s only going to ask what did you do with what he gave you? What are you doing with your gifts? Blessings? Abilities?…
How To Exercise and Grow Your Mind
We talk a lot about exercising, challenging, and growing our bodies. However, let’s not forget one of our most valuable assets in life…our brains! Let’s look at how to exercise and grow your mind. Intellectual or mental wellness is: the ability to increase your own understanding and knowledge base improve your personal skill sets maintain…
Living a Joyful Life
Sometimes living a joyful life is hard, but it doesn’t have to be that way. What is your life’s purpose, value and meaning? This can be a hard question, right? People have been searching for the meaning of life for thousands of years. In my efforts to look at all areas of wellness, I’d like…
4 Steps To A Healthy Body Image + Fuller Life
We are often our own biggest critics. Especially when it comes to our bodies. How do we go about creating and keeping a healthy body image? Having a healthy body image means that you feel comfortable with how your body looks. While working on health and fitness goals, your body might not be exactly where…
Why Gratitude is Essential
Gratitude is an essential element of a happy life. It is not happy people who are thankful. It is thankful people who are happy. This quote reminds me that our mindset has a TON of influence on our lives, our happiness, our health, our success. Also, it reminds us that when we’re upset we have…
Creating Healthy Habits this Year
It’s the beginning of a new year and although we can start creating healthy habits at any time it just seems easier in January when most of the people around us are focusing on creating new habits too. It’s like an instant support group! I have several healthy habits I’m working on this year: 1.…