6 Simple Ways To Eat Better at Home

One big adjustment that 2020 brought into many of our lives is the amount of time that we are spending inside our houses. 

Working from home, along with limitations on our social gatherings and outings, and having our kids home from school all day have been BIG changes. 

As we have all adjusted to the challenges – and perks! (leggings all day, every day, yes please!) – of working from home, some of us have realized that our snacking, meal consistency and just healthy eating overall were being impacted.

Not having a regular schedule, sometimes feeling bored or restless in the house, and having easy access to the kitchen at all times can be challenging for anyone when it comes to managing our weight.

6 Feet From the Fridge!

With that in mind we want to share 6 simple ways to eat better at home.

Here are 6 simple ways to eat better at home:

1. Don’t set up your workstation in or near the kitchen. 

Working in such close proximity to your fridge and pantry creates easy and overly convenient access to snacks that you probably don’t need. 

2. Determine why you may be snacking more than usual. 

Is it boredom? Stress? Restlessness? Identify what emotion is triggering you to want to reach for that bag of chips and then choose an alternative action – like taking a quick stretch break, doing 10 squats, or walking around the house or yard. 

3. Plan your snack/meal times. 

Schedule when you will take your lunch break the same way that you would if you were at the office. Plan an afternoon snack break if needed. And make sure you actually eat something of substance. 

Having a schedule will prevent you from overeating as well as forgetting to eat during the day and then eating too much later to compensate for your hunger. 

4. Don’t multitask when you eat. 

Don’t eat your lunch or snacks while you continue to work. Distraction prevents us from paying attention to how much we are consuming and when we feel full. Ever eat the whole bag of cookies without realizing it because you were distracted by the TV? Us too! When it is time for a food break – actually take a break and enjoy your food mindfully. 

5. Portion your snacks before eating. 

Pour snacks into a bowl instead of eating out of the bag or box so that you can determine and control the portion size. If your snack comes from a package, read and measure out 1 serving. 

6. Limit your purchase of junk food. 

If you don’t have it in your house, then you can’t eat it. Keep your less healthy snacks out of sight so that you won’t be tempted to eat them whenever you see them. Move your healthiest snacks (fruit or veggies) into your view so you’ll be more likely to grab one. 

What tips and tricks have you found useful for eating healthy at home? Comment below!

Move. Smile. Breathe.

Check out this post about how your house affects your health goals!

Is after dinner snacking hard for you? Check out this article.