Why Time and Physical Wealth Matter

There is more to being wealthy than finances…time and physical wealth matter to your overall wealth/health.

When we think of wealth, we often only think of financial wealth (money).

But I challenge you to think beyond your typical view of wealth and explore a couple other forms of wealth…

💰 financial wealth (money)

🕒 time wealth (freedom)

💪 physical wealth (health).

Each type of wealth is important to our success. Financial wealth alone cannot serve our overall wellness and happiness.

💰 Financial wealth can be defined as enough financial stability to support lifestyle choices.

There is no dollar amount that will ever buy happiness – but financial stability can limit stress and allow for more freedom in your experiences. 

🕒 Time wealth is the freedom to enjoy our time how we want, where we want and with whom we want. 

Our ability to pursue interests, hobbies and quality time within our relationships increases the quality and value of our lives. 

💪 Physical wealth is wellness in our bodies and minds. 

Without physical wealth, we cannot enjoy the perks of time or financial wealth. Your health is an asset!

As with all things in life, balance is key. 

It is important to balance your priorities and focus in order to achieve the most success. 

One thing I love about my job is that it allows me to invest in all three areas of wealth while I help others invest in their physical wealth! 

Which area of wealth do YOU most want to increase?

Move. Smile. Breathe.

Stop comparing yourself to others! YOU are already AMAZING!

Read more here.

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