woman covering her face, but peeking out

The Power of YET

power of yet
The power of YET

Yet: A Powerful Little Word That Can Change Your Whole Mindset

According to psychologists at Stanford, there are two distinctly different types of people when it comes to mindset.

Fixed Mindset: CAN’T

People with a fixed mindset believe that skills and talents – and limitations – are concrete and unchangeable. The idea is that talent is natural and you either have it or you don’t. Someone with a fixed mindset might say something like, “I am not artistic at all. I can’t paint.” Or they might say, “I can’t play soccer. I am not athletic.”

A fixed mindset produces limiting statements and thoughts. When someone chooses those words when assessing his or her abilities – “not” and “can’t” are powerful. 

And if you think you CAN’T do something – you WON’T do it. 

Growth Mindset: YET

People with a growth mindset view the world a little differently. Someone with a growth mindset might say, “I haven’t had a lot of experience with art. I can’t paint YET, but I would like to learn.” 

A growth mindset operates under the principle that people are constantly evolving and are able to learn new skills and work hard to become talented at new things. 

“I haven’t played a team sport before. I can’t play soccer YET. But I am going to learn.” 

There is a lot of power packed into that one little word: YET. 

Change the way that you talk to yourself and about yourself when it comes to your abilities. A fixed mindset traps you in limitations. A growth mindset says I haven’t learned all there is to learn yet. 

What’s one thing that you have a fixed mindset about when it comes to your abilities? How can you change your “can’t” to a “yet”? Comment below.

Move. Smile. Breathe.

Do you need help with your mindset? Are you tired of the self-defeating negative talk inside your mind?

Let’s work together to kill those ANTS and see your value!