woman holding veggies

The Flexitarian Diet

Have you thought about trying the Flexitarian Diet?
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This past summer, Forbes came out with a “Best Diets of 2021” list. (See the full list here: https://www.forbes.com/health/body/best-diets/) The Mediterranean Diet held the top ranking spot because of its “ “harmonic combination” of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.”

And the Flexitarian Diet, aka the “semi-vegetarian” way of eating, came in at number two.

A mostly plants plan is a perfect combination for those who enjoy a juicy steak now and then but want to reap the health benefits of a plant-based diet.

Flexitarians are semi-vegetarian, meaning their diet is largely plant-based but occasionally includes meat. By eating mostly plants and the occasional meat it’s thought that the diet will help improve overall weight and overall health as well as lower the rate of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Vegans eat no animal products at all. This means no eggs, dairy, or anything that uses any part of an animal.

Vegetarians do not eat red meat, poultry, or fish, but they do eat animal products such as eggs, dairy, and honey.

If you think a flexitarian diet may be right for you, here are a few tips.

🍊 Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. 

🌿 Increase your beans and legumes so that you get enough protein in your diet.

🍽️ Let the meat play a supporting role in your meals and make plant-based foods the focus.

The Flexitarian Diet isn’t new either. The Flexitarian Diet book has been around since 2010.

However, the book Mostly Plants, published in 2019, seems to have brought the Flexitarian Diet back to the forefront of meal systems for 2021.

What do you think… would a mostly plants diet work for you?

Greg and Katie
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