Tag: motivation

  • Balancing Wellness

    Balancing Wellness

    Balancing wellness is so much more than having a physically healthy body. Wellness encompasses all of the areas in life that bring joy and peace – and also stress and anxiety. Wellness also includes your mental health, emotional well-being, and social belonging.  So you may be feeling really good about your physical health but struggling…

  • How Your Environment Impacts Your Wellness

    How Your Environment Impacts Your Wellness

    Environmental well being consists of residing in a space that promotes good health, positivity, and well being. Let’s talk about how your environment impacts your wellness. There are a lot of things that we may not have control over when it comes to our personal environment. Maintaining a clean and organized living room when you have…

  • Stop Comparing Yourself

    Stop Comparing Yourself

    Stop comparing yourself to others. Use the gifts and abilities God has given you! At the end of this life, God isn’t going to ask how you did compare to anybody else. He’s only going to ask what did you do with what he gave you? What are you doing with your gifts? Blessings? Abilities?…

  • A Simple Mental Trick To Increase Motivation

    A Simple Mental Trick To Increase Motivation

    Are you looking for a simple mental trick to increase motivation? Let me tell you a story. There was a teacher who expected a lot from her children. One day, she asked them to write down on a piece of paper what they wanted to be when they grew up. Jean always wanted to be…

  • How to Sneak Exercise into Your Day Everyday

    How to Sneak Exercise into Your Day Everyday

    Why is it so hard to get to the gym on Thursdays to exercise?  Ugh.  Is it because it’s almost Friday and you’ve been dragging yourself through the week up until now and you just can’t make yourself get off of the couch? Tell me it’s not just me, right? #1 I will tell you…