Tag: environment

  • Decluttering Your Environment

    Decluttering Your Environment

    Your surroundings have a serious impact on your well-being. This is why decluttering your environment impacts your well-being. For example, spending time in nature can lower stress, increase happiness, and release endorphins. Our interior environment matters, too! Spending time in a cluttered, unorganized home/room/office can actually increase stress and anxiety.   In fact, a UCLA study found…

  • How Your Environment Impacts Your Wellness

    How Your Environment Impacts Your Wellness

    Environmental well being consists of residing in a space that promotes good health, positivity, and well being. Let’s talk about how your environment impacts your wellness. There are a lot of things that we may not have control over when it comes to our personal environment. Maintaining a clean and organized living room when you have…

  • 7 Ways Your Environment Affects Your Health Goals

    7 Ways Your Environment Affects Your Health Goals

    What you surround yourself with on a day-to-day basis will affect how hard it is or how easy it is to continue to work towards your fitness and health goals. Let’s cover 7 ways your environment affects your health goals. 1. Temptations If you have junk food readily available to you in your environment and visible…