flexible measuring tape

One Simple Food Tip For The Holidays

flexible measuring tape
One tip to help maintain weight

With Thanksgiving last week and Christmas in under a month a lot of us are thinking about how to maintain our healthy habits while enjoying all of our favorite holiday foods. I want to share one simple tip with you that will help you minimize holiday weight gain.

Do you love the holiday season?

Spending time with family and friends – celebrating and reconnecting. All of the decorations and the reminders of how we are blessed by God each and every day. And of course the special holiday food!

But I don’t so much want the holiday weight gain. We often hear this myth: on average most people gain 8 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. BUT the truth is that most people only gain about 1.5 pounds over the holidays.

Many people tend to work out less during the holidays (busier schedule) and indulge in significant overeating (multiple feasts and parties to attend).

One of the simplest tips to help you not gain weight this holiday season is to… 

Load up on the PROTEIN.  🥩 🍗

That’s right. Extra turkey, extra roast, extra of whatever main course protein is on the table. 

Direct your indulgence towards the turkey or the roast instead of the carbohydrates, sugars, and saturated fats. 

Studies have shown that increased consumption of protein causes significantly less weight gain than increased consumption of other foods. 

In addition to the basic perks of a protein-rich diet (muscle mass, strength, bone health, lower blood pressure), protein actually increases fat burning and can boost your metabolism. 

And protein reduces hunger and appetite levels… making you less likely to snack on those late-night leftovers. 

Load your plate up with more of the main course and opt for small samples of the carbohydrates, sugars, and saturated-fat sides. Small portions of your favorite sides allow you to appreciate the taste of all of the delicious options without overdoing it while loading up on protein leaves you feeling full and satisfied.

What is your favorite protein to eat during the holidays?

Move. Smile. Breathe.

Looking for a sweet protein snack? Check out No-Bake Protein Balls.