One Month Dinner Meal Plan

Do you get exhausted by the daily decision of “What do you want for dinner tonight?” Me too! But now that finally changes! Let me show you how I finally made a one month dinner meal plan.

I have thought about this for months, like 6 months probably, and today I finally sat down and DID it!
I am so happy!

How to make a one month dinner meal plan

Start with gathering your supplies. You’ll want to grab your recipes, your family’s input, your computer, and this Google calendar.

Personally, I would start with getting your family’s input. Ask them what are their favorite dinners or meals AND how often would they like to eat these dinners? Some meals might be every week favorite if it fits with your healthy eating habits, while others may need to be every other week or once a month. Once you have your family’s input start adding those meals to your calendar.

Second, think about how long the recipes require and plan accordingly to your weekly schedule or calendar. One of my favorite meals takes about 3 and a half hours from start to finish and therefore I wouldn’t want to put it on a weekday.

Third, start adding meals out of your recipes that you have on hand or find some on the internet that you’ve been wanting to try.

If you look at the google calendar link you’ll see that my family does a fast food option every Wednesday because we have limited time between school and our church’s Wednesday night small groups, and honestly it’s a favorite fast food option for us too!

Finally, think about how many times a week you want to eat certain foods. Do you really want ground beef three times a week? Or chicken? Or Brussel sprouts? Be honest with yourself about what you are actually going to eat.

Hint: by making this on a computer you could also add links to recipes if you would like.

So let me know, have you done this before? How has it worked for you? Or are you going to try it? Let me know how it goes!

Move. Smile. Breathe.

Not ready for a whole one month meal plan yet, try this weekly meal planning guide instead and see if it’s more your style.