How Your Environment Impacts Your Wellness

Environmental well being consists of residing in a space that promotes good health, positivity, and well being. Let’s talk about how your environment impacts your wellness.

There are a lot of things that we may not have control over when it comes to our personal environment. Maintaining a clean and organized living room when you have a three-year-old running around is one of them. However, there are also plenty of things that we DO have a very valid influence over. 

Your environment impacts your wellness. It can either promote your sense of comfort, peace, motivation, and happiness or it can increase stress, frustration, and unhappiness. 

For example, if you are working from home and are not in a space that feels good, it may be challenging to get in the right mindset. What kind of environment do you work best in? What colors help you concentrate and focus?

The same goes for working out at home. If you are not in a designated workout space that inspires wellness, it is easy to get distracted or feel unmotivated. Look at the colors of the room, the temperature, the lights, and make it work best for you!

One key to ensuring that your home promotes well-being is to first determine what type of environment YOU thrive in. What do you prefer when doing small tasks and daily activities?

Everyone is different. 

For example, I do not mind having stacks of books or papers on my table. I can go weeks on end with my stack of to-dos sitting next to me at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But I cannot handle cups, plates, or bowls sitting out anywhere around the house. To each their own, right?

Evaluate the setup of your home… the amount of clutter, cleanliness, noise level, light level, temperature, colors, decorations, room setup. Look at these things that you have some level of control over and adjust one or two in a way that might bring you more joy and peace.

What is your favorite room in your house and why?


Have you heard of Hygge?

Danish people are considered the happiest people in the world. They attribute their happiness to Hygge (hoo-ga) which revolves around comfort, togetherness, and well-being.

One of the main points of Hygge is making our homes a place of safety and comfort filled with the people and things that we love that also bring us peace, not stress.



Good food.

Soft blankets.

Time with friends and loved ones.


Making the most of each moment.

Enjoying our blessings.

Being outside.

I recently finished this wonderfully insightful book about the Danish lifestyle of Hygge. Check it out here. (This is an affiliate link, which means we get a small incentive when you make a purchase through our link.) I highly recommend it for evaluating and finding some coziness in your home and life.

The Little Book of Hygge

Looking for more information about how your environment affects your well-being? Check out these posts here:

7 Ways Your Environment Affects Your Health Goals

6 Simple Ways To Eat Better at Home

Move. Smile. Breathe.
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