Finding Balance is Critical To Your Well Being

Finding balance can be hard for us all.

While it may seem overrated or impossible, finding balance in our lives is a cornerstone of overall well-being.

A lack of balance in your life – feeling out of control and as though you never have enough time to do the things that you need to do (and to do them well) – makes it incredibly difficult to maintain a happy, healthy sense of being. 

When we lack balance, we get stressed. #beentheredonethat

That stress impacts our physical well-being (headaches, trouble sleeping, and increased risk of stress-related diseases) as well as our psychological well-being (irritability, feelings of hopelessness or failure, anxiety, depression, feeling run down, etc.).

Balance looks different to everyone. 

Read that again. Say it aloud. Balance looks different to everyone.

There is not a cookie-cutter balance plan that fits everyone’s life. Because balance to YOU should be based upon YOUR priorities, lifestyle, and passions. 

Ask yourself:

Do your daily or weekly habits reflect your goals?

Are you spending enough time in the areas you value most?

Have you identified what your values are?

Ultimately, we choose how we live our lives

The activities that we engage in, the relationships we invest time in, the amount of time we dedicate to exercise, work, family, friends, chores, etc. all play into how we are balancing our time and energy.

What is one habit you could start this week that aligns with one of your goals and help you in finding balance?

Do you need help identifying your values, managing your time, or setting small actions that help you find balance? Let’s chat. As a life coach, I can help you work through these topics (and more).

Sign up for a 15-minute Discovery Call.

Move. Smile. Breathe.