A Perfect Body is Not the Goal

Several times this week I have been reminded of this message: having a fit, model perfect, society praised, perfect 10 body is NOT why we are on this earth. Having a perfect body is not the goal.

Satan often tries to make us lose focus and distracts us with ideas and activities that are less important. On the contrary, he wants us to waste our time instead of us focusing on the MOST important in our lives.

Having “the” body is not the end-all to be all.

Of course, we still need to take care of our bodies physically. We need to fuel them with the proper foods and get enough movement and exercise. None the less at the end of the day what our bodies look like is not what God cares most about.

He cares about our hearts and our minds. He cares whether or not we are doing all that we have been called to do. Are we bringing glory to His name in the world around us? Are we telling others how much He loves them?

As a reminder to myself, and maybe you need it too, don’t get distracted by focusing too much time and energy and importance on how your body looks on the outside.

What’s on the inside really matters more!

What our bodies CAN DO is more important to me!

Can I pick up something heavy if I need to move it? Can I carry groceries in without getting tired? Am I able to go for walks or a hike to see something I’ve always wanted to see?

I’d rather my body be pain-free and capable of helping me live the life I want to live. I want to be able to do the things I want to do physically. Not look like a photo in a magazine. I mean I won’t be offended, however, that’s not my goal.

My goals are to move better without pain and with strength and flexibility. I want to smile more and feel the freedom Christ gives to me. I want to breathe easier knowing that this world is not my home and Heaven awaits.

So no, having a perfect body is not the goal for me. How about you?

Move. Smile. Breathe.

Need more encouragement about the way your body looks? Check out this post about body image.

Or read this book by Holley Gerth! It changed the way I live my life!