a hand opening a book with candles and mistletoe nearby

4 Ways To Deal With Stress…Anytime!

a hand on an open book with candles and mistletoe nearby
Everyone needs a toolkit

At a time when we are looking forward to having fun with our friends and family, most people will agree that their stress levels increase during the holidays, but there are ways to deal with stress.

It’s important to remember that your overall health – and happiness – is directly impacted by your level of stress. Stress wreaks havoc on your entire mind and body.

Stress increases your risk for illness and depletes your immune system. It can also distract you from being able to live in the moment and truly enjoy life. 

Here are a few ways to help you deal with stress… during the holidays and anytime:

🌞 Add joy to one area of your home.

Find one (or more) things that bring you joy and comfort and make sure you add it to your day – and take the time to enjoy it! 

Some ideas might be a favorite seasonal candle, a warm cup of tea while looking out the window, reading in your favorite spot, listening to good music, etc.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👧  Practice gratitude and abundance.

Allow yourself to feel grateful, embrace change, think BIG, stay positive, and believe that there is “plenty to go around”.

Research has shown that those who practice gratitude and positivity have better physical health, happiness, and optimism.

✨ Say positive affirmations

Affirmations are a simple and proven way to rewire our brains. 

Much like exercise feeds our bodies, affirmations feed our brain positivity.

Here are a couple of affirmations to try this holiday season: 

“Today, I am excited and full of joy.”

“I am blessed with so many talents that I will use today.”

“My body is healthy, my mind is strong, and my soul is content.”

🛌 Get enough sleep. 

A study by UC- Berkeley found that the type of sleep most apt to calm and reset our anxious brain is deep sleep. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night!

Which one of these 4 ideas will you try today to deal with stress this season?

Move. Smile. Breathe.