Why You Should Adopt a Black Cat

Black cats are often said to be the least adopted cats at animal shelters. The Huffington Post said black cats are less likely to be adopted than any other color cat, except brown cats who are at the bottom of the list.

Black cat sadness :(

Our Story

In October 2017 we adopted our cat Loki for the Houston SPCA. We should have known he was going to be a character just by his name, Loki, God of Mischief. He has definitely lived up to his name, but he has also grown to be a loved and sometimes loving member of our family.

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Loki resting

Loki has never been one to care much for attention. Well, at least not when he’s comfortable and happy without us. LOL, I guess in this way he’s similar to lots of cats’ personalities. He wants to be left alone except in two situations: he wants to be fed or if you’re on the petting thrown (aka the toilet). Yep. Those are the only two times he wants attention. Otherwise, the rest of us in the house are just annoying in his opinion.

My daughter who was 10 at the time fell in love with black cats in general. She wanted to dress like her Loki cat and was just infatuated with black cats and how they have been portrayed in culture over the years, including the Egyptians and American Pilgrims. She was very sad to hear that black cats are less likely to be adopted compared to other cats because of the superstitions surrounding them.

Handsome mini panther

Bombay Cat

We believe Loki to be a Bombay cat. He has that panther-like sleek black coat and body with beautiful yellow eyes. Personality-wise he thinks he’s a black panther. He’s a medium-size cat around 9-10 pounds.

Loki helping with my Bible study time

Loki likes to be left alone most of the time, unless of course, you are doing something that he just needs to be involved in, such as reading a book or magazine. In these situations, he needs to be in the middle of it so that he can distract you and cover up those words. Don’t you know beds are for sleeping and not reading?

Loki in the sink

We often find Loki in unusual places around the house. I guess one of the joys of being a cat is being so flexible and nimble. He hides under the couch, behind the couch, under nightstands, under beds, in the TV center next to the PlayStation, in sinks, in windows, in closets, and of course on couches and beds. He also likes to be daring and walk along the upstairs banister which causes panic in us humans, but he’s never fallen, at least that we’ve seen.

Loki on the banister

Black Cat Days

August 17th is Black Cat Appreciation Day across the United States and National Black Cat Day is October 27th. Black cats are no different from any other cat, they need love and forever homes. Most animal shelters have an overabundance of animals, especially cats. Lots of these shelters have special adoption events for cats.

We adopted Loki at a special adult cat weekend sale. He technically only cost us $5 and we could have gotten another cat for free if we had wanted one. However, we wanted to start with one cat and we went ahead and paid the full adoption fee for adult cats as a donation to our SPCA.

If you’re not convinced yet, here are some more reasons why to adopt your next pet!