Why We Love Thrive Life Freeze Dried Foods

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I remember when I thought freeze-dried foods were just for astronauts.  I mean that’s what we were told in elementary school when we talked about the space program. 

The thought of freeze dried ice cream sandwiches just amazed me!  

Even today a lot of people still think that freeze-dried foods are mainly for astronauts,  hurricanes, preppers, or the military.

And they’d be correct. 

And then we met Thrive

However, these days freeze-dried foods are actually being used more often by your everyday consumers.

The first time I was introduced to freeze-dried foods as an every day food was at a hurricane preparedness convention.  My kids kept running back and forth between wherever we were at and the Thrive Life booth.  They came back with corn, pineapple, peas, and strawberries.  They begged Greg and I to go with them and try some of the foods.  

Everything we tasted was really delicious.  You could tell that the foods were high quality!  The representatives even made us Shepard’s pie in a cup and fed us a Thrive Life brownie.  Honestly, I was confused on the brownie part because I thought it tasted really good all re-hydrated.  I figured out later that it’s a complete brownie mix in a can!  LOL

My husband and I came home and looked into Thrive Life after that expo because if THAT’S what freeze-dried foods could taste like then I’d be okay with having some around the house just in case.

We did our research and waited for the Thanksgiving week Black Friday Sale to come around.  Once Black Friday arrived we signed up at a great discount to become consultants for Thrive Life in 2014. 

To finance our freeze-dried foods we decided to take part of our existing monthly grocery budget and invest it into purchasing freeze-dried foods from Thrive Life.  This way we weren’t going to be spending any extra money, just reallocating it.  (Thank you Dave Ramsey.)

Reasons we Thrive now

We really like Thrive Life because they offer a huge variety of healthy foods! (not necessarily the ready to eat meals in a bag.) The foods are fresh and generally do not have preservatives in them.  Most of them have ONE ingredient–the food you are buying! The process of freeze drying the foods actually helps the foods retain more nutrients than the products that are shipped to our local grocery stores.  


The Thrive life freeze-dried foods are also cost efficient if you consider that we are not paying for the parts of the fruits or vegetable that we aren’t going to eat.  Mushrooms, for example, spoil so quickly at home, but the Thrive Life mushrooms will last for 1 year after opening the can (25 years if left unopened).  

We also were motivated to invest in Thrive Life because we had a difficult year financially in 2014.  Greg was barely working for about 5 months of the year because the economy was so slow.  We were squeaking by day by day in 2014 so when we were doing better financially in 2015 we could see the benefit of having some freeze-dried foods stocked up just in case the economy was rough on us again. 

Another reason we like using Thrive Life freeze-dried foods is because it saves us time!  The fruits and vegetables are already washed, diced or chopped, or peeled for you!  The meats are already cooked!  No rinds to fight or seeds to remove!  More than once I have forgotten to buy an ingredient for a recipe from the grocery store, but our Thrive Life foods have saved me!  

Ground beef showdown

And a final reason we chose and continue to choose Thrive Life freeze-dried foods is that they care about people and put time and money into investing in helping communities around the world have access to crops, livestock, and clean water.  5% of all of the company’s profits go into their Thriving Nations program where they teach sustainable farming, improve water solutions, and educate communities on agriculture, hygiene, animal care, disease, and food preservation and storage. 

How we use Thrive

We use our freeze-dried foods on a regular basis around our house.  

  • Snacking
  • Everyday recipes
  • Smoothies
  • To go snacks
  • Camping
  • Hiking meals/snacks
  • Hurricane preparedness
  • Soups 

There are plenty of other uses of Thrive Life freeze dried foods!  Check out their website and check out the recipes while you are there!

If you too decide to invest in some Thrive Life freeze-dried foods they have a guidebook too as well that can come in handy, although we just use our freeze-dried foods in our regular recipes.  

Do you use freeze-dried foods?  How do you use them?

If you don’t, then give them a try!  I’m sure you’ll love the convenience of them too!

We try to focus on eating real foods at our house which is mostly what THRIVE provides to their customers.  Find out why we focus on real foods