Tag: stress relief

  • Cortisol – The Stress Hormone

    Cortisol – The Stress Hormone

    Cortisol is the “stress” or “fight or flight” hormone and is released when we anticipate pain or discomfort. Let’s look at what cortisol does and how we can lower cortisol in our bodies. It helps fuel your body’s “fight-or-flight” instinct in a crisis, but cortisol plays an important role in many things your body does. For…

  • How to Build Your Immune System and Fight Viruses

    How to Build Your Immune System and Fight Viruses

    We know we’re all in this boat together as we’re fighting the Coronavirus and other viruses like the flu. We’re trying to stay healthy and help keep others around us healthy too! We want to help you out and give you a few pointers on how to build your immune system as a preventative measure…

  • Online Exercise Resources

    Online Exercise Resources

    I know everyone’s schedule is a little off right now due to Coronavirus and being quarantined at home, but that’s no reason to stop exercising. We all need to KEEP MOVING! Here are some online exercise resources for you and your family. Staying active and moving is going to be a key ingredient to getting…