Tag: fitness

  • Terms Your Trainer Wants You To Know

    Terms Your Trainer Wants You To Know

    Whether you work with a personal trainer, take fitness classes, or work out solo, these common terms will keep you in the “know” when it comes to strength training.  Knowledge is power. Strength Training Terms: Repetitions (aka Reps) – The number of times an exercise is repeated within a “set.” Sets – Repeating the same…

  • The Power of Bodyweight Training

    The Power of Bodyweight Training

    Bodyweight training has been around for quite a while – and it will continue to rise in 2022 – because it’s easy, accessible, inexpensive, and effective. Plus, the great thing about bodyweight training is you can do it anywhere, and just about anytime! Bodyweight training essentially means you are working out with just your body…no…

  • A Perfect Body is Not the Goal

    A Perfect Body is Not the Goal

    Several times this week I have been reminded of this message: having a fit, model perfect, society praised, perfect 10 body is NOT why we are on this earth. Having a perfect body is not the goal. Satan often tries to make us lose focus and distracts us with ideas and activities that are less…

  • Personal Training & Fitness

    Personal Training & Fitness

    Move Better Personal Training & Fitness No matter where you are in your health journey or in the world, we can help you get started on your path to move better. We offer in-person training if you’re local to the Houston area or we can do training over Zoom too. Benefits of working with a…

  • Join Me! REFIT Kick It Up! Challenge

    Join Me! REFIT Kick It Up! Challenge

    I’ve signed up for REFIT’s “Kick It Up!” 30-day Challenge, and I want YOU to join me! The 30-day challenge starts June 15, and it will focus on 3 areas: ● MOVING your body: daily workouts delivered directly to you via email and Facebook ● MAXIMIZING your workouts: 30 and 60 minute workout options to…

  • No time to workout? Try a High Intensity Tabata!

    No time to workout? Try a High Intensity Tabata!

    A Tabata is a quick high-intensity workout that helps boost your metabolic rate quickly thus causing your body to burn fuel (calories) over an extended amount of time. Most people choose a Tabata workout because they can get quick results in less time.   The history of Tabata Tabata is named for the scientist who tested…

  • Why I REFIT®

    Why I REFIT®

    Your first question might be, “Umm…what is REFIT®?”  What IS REFIT®? From their website: REFIT® is more than just fitness – it’s a life-changing fitness experience. With the fitness world – and the world at large – telling you to change or improve, REFIT is here to say that you are enough. REFIT combines powerful movements…

  • After the Workout Electrolyte Drink Mixes

    After the Workout Electrolyte Drink Mixes

    When trying to eat Keto or low-carb a lot of people develop what’s called “carb flu.”  In reality, it’s the fact that your body is using more electrolytes.  To counteract the loss you should supplement with an easy electrolyte drink mix. Here are some of our recommendations:  Greg likes to make his own: Plain or unflavored:…

  • Focusing on Real Food

    Focusing on Real Food

    How eating real food changed our lives!  Where we started The first “diet plan” we ever did was back in 2014 when I heard about a plan that pastor Rick Warren’s church had started the previous year which they called The Daniel Plan.  It had helped him and so many others in his congregation that…

  • How to Sneak Exercise into Your Day Everyday

    How to Sneak Exercise into Your Day Everyday

    Why is it so hard to get to the gym on Thursdays to exercise?  Ugh.  Is it because it’s almost Friday and you’ve been dragging yourself through the week up until now and you just can’t make yourself get off of the couch? Tell me it’s not just me, right? #1 I will tell you…