How to Build Your Immune System and Fight Viruses

We know we’re all in this boat together as we’re fighting the Coronavirus and other viruses like the flu. We’re trying to stay healthy and help keep others around us healthy too! We want to help you out and give you a few pointers on how to build your immune system as a preventative measure before you get sick!

Strawberries with tea and water
Strawberries with Tea and Water

Let’s start with Food

What you eat makes a difference in how your body works and heals. In order to build your immune system, you want to put good fuels into your body and keep the bad fuels low (sugar).

Increase your vitamin D3 foods such as salmon, sardines, canned tuna, egg yolks, shiitake, Portobello, and white mushrooms.

You also want to increase your daily intake of vitamin C. So increase your consumption of oranges, berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and cranberries), peppers, dark leafy greens (kale, spinach), broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cantaloupe, kiwi, papaya, watermelon, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes.

Other foods that help build your immune system are garlic, onions, spinach, yogurt (with live cultures), turmeric, ginger, oysters, seeds (sesame, pumpkin, sunflower), nuts (Brazil, almonds), and green tea.

hand holding vitamins
Daily Vitamins and Supplements

Supplements Next

A convenient way to build your immune system is to use supplements, i.e. vitamins. Most people do not get enough vitamin D. Most research suggests taking a vitamin D3 supplement (D2 if you are vegan).

You also want to take a vitamin C supplement. Vitamin C actually helps your skin’s barrier against outside attacks. As your stress level increases your body doesn’t process vitamin C as effectively and you can end up being short on it. Plus it has other benefits such as lowering blood pressure, reducing gout, and improving memory.

You might also want to take Zinc and selenium supplements. Both of these supplements can be dangerous if you consume too much, but Zinc helps to shorten viruses such as a cold and pneumonia. Selenium will help to decrease inflammation which will improve your overall immune health. Also, research has shown that people with lower selenium levels are more likely to get sick from viruses while people with higher selenium levels fight viruses better.

woman praying or meditating
Prayer and Meditation

Lower your Stress

As your stress level increases your body’s immune system decreases. We all have stress in our lives, but high levels of stress make us more susceptible to getting sick.

Managing stress is easier said than done, but I have some training in this area thanks to the Center for Mind-Body Medicine. Here are some of my best suggestions on how to lower your stress which will help build your immune system.

Breathe. Deep diaphragmatic breaths or belly breathing help to lower your heart rate and blood pressure.

Pray or meditate. Focus on the present moment. Eliminate the distractions and lift up your concerns to God.

Listen to calming music. Find a nice playlist on YouTube, Spotify, iTunes, etc.

Listening to a relaxing story or guided imagery. You can find these on YouTube also or there are apps you can download too. My family uses the Headspace app and we love it.

Move! Dance. Exercise. Go for a walk.

Don’t take on any extra responsibilities if your stress level is already high. Learn how to say NO.

ginger and lemons
Heal Your Gut

Decrease Inflammation

If you have any area of inflammation in your body, that is where your immune system is trying to focus and it makes you more susceptible to outside attacks. So your body’s immune system may not respond correctly when you come into contact with a virus.

First, drink enough water! Drinking enough water every single day is the best way to flush toxins that enter into our bodies through contact, the air, and our food. You need water to digest the foods in your intestines, kidneys, liver, and to sweat out toxins.

A second way to decrease inflammation in your system is to “heal your gut.” 60% of your body’s healing tissue is in your gut. To get started you need to reduce your consumption of extra sugars (sodas and sweets), refined carbohydrates, excessive alcohol, vegetable oil, processed foods, and processed meats.

Instead, you will want to focus instead on eating grass-fed meats, fibrous foods like figs, turmeric, rosemary, ginger, fish oil, and probiotics like kimchee, sauerkraut, pickles, and full-fat yogurts. Also, you will want to include some prebiotics such as bananas, garlic, and onions.

sleeping, standing outside, laughing
Get Enough Sleep. Get Outside. Laugh More.

And more

And right now as we are fighting the Coronavirus together some other suggestions to build your immune system…

get enough sleep

limit your news intake (stress)

LAUGH. Watch a comedy. #laughterreallyisgoodmedicine

Try to stay on a schedule. Try to wake up and go to sleep as you normally would (unless you weren’t getting enough sleep). Get dressed.

Go outside and get some natural vitamin D3 and fresh air.

Wash your hands. Wash your clothes. Keep your towels and bedding clean.

Reach out to your friends and family and stay connected. #bettertogether

And remember to smile. :)

Move. Smile. Breathe.