Our Family Fit 4 Fun Designs

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A few months ago, back in July, when we were staying in Ouray, Colorado we went on a hike up to Blue Lakes in the Mount Sneffels Wilderness.  It was a long hike and by the end of it, we were exhausted.  But thankfully, like so many other great minds, inspiration hit us on our hike! 

Blue Lakes Hike

But we had something to keep us motivated!  We had decided that we were going to drive over to Telluride and eat at Brown Dog’s Pizza for dinner.  

It was the motivation we needed to keep going.  Sean started saying he needed a shirt designed that said, “Will hike for pizza.”  

We all agreed we’d hike for Brown Dog’s pizza every day!

Brown Dog’s Pizza

Now a few months after our trip, we have finally designed our Will Hike for Pizza shirt.  We’ve got it up and for sale over on Teespring.com.

You can see it and purchase it there.

We went ahead and designed a few other shirts, tanks, and a coffee mug with some another idea we had. Comforts Kills may not sound warm and fuzzy, but we say it with love, y’all.  

Because at the end of the day far too many of us spend too much time being comfortable on the couch, watching TV, playing video games, binge-watching Netflix.  We need to be honest with ourselves.  Get up and do something!  Get outside and go for a walk.  Meet some friends to play basketball, tennis or ride bikes.  


Take a look at our designs and tell us what you think!

We’d love to see your photos if you buy any of our designs.  Be sure to tag us in your posts!  

Find out more about what we learned at our REI Backpacking Cooking Class