Healthier Cookies!!!

Happy National Cookie Day!  

As Cookie Monster says, “Cookies are a sometime food.”  

We know this.  But sometimes we like to enjoy a cookie!  

Sesame Street A Cookie is a Sometime Food

Everyone has their favorites.  And their least favorites.  I’ve heard oatmeal cookies are considered the celery of the cookie family.  As in the last ones to get eaten IF they get eaten.  LOL

But they’re supposedly the healthier cookies for us to eat.  They have more fiber in them because of the oats. Which also means they’re better for our blood sugar.  They’re still sweet and they have natural raisins in them which are a fruit so there’s a plus. 

Peanut Butter Cookies

Peanut Butter Cookies

Growing up my mom would always make an assortment of cookies during the holidays.  I loved her peanut butter cookies!  The great thing about peanut butter cookies is that they usually don’t have too many “bad” ingredients.  Check out this peanut butter recipe here that mas minimal ingredients. 

Coconut Macaroons

Thrive Life Coconut Macaroon Mix

One of my personal favorites are coconut macaroon cookies.  They are very sweet!  So we maybe eat them twice a year at Easter and Christmas.  We usually make the Thrive Life Coconut Macaroons, but here’s another good recipe for them. 

No-Bake Protein Bites

Another treat we like we don’t usually consider a cookie, but someone else might.  We call them Protein Bites.  They are so delicious!  You don’t even have to bake them, but you do need to keep them cold in the refrigerator.  You can find the recipe for them here

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Food Babe’s Chocolate Chip Cookies

Of course, most people’s favorite cookie is the classic chocolate chip cookie.  I really like this recipe here which uses almond butter to hold the cookie together instead of flour.  This recipe here also sounds delicious and uses gluten-free flour in it.  Let me know if you try either one and what you think! 


Bakerita’s Snickerdoodle Cookies

Quite a lot of people like Snickerdoodles.  One of my best friends growing up loved them!  My mom would make them every year for Christmas too.  Here’s a healthier version of the classic recipe that uses almond and coconut flour instead of white flour.  

What are your favorite cookies?  Do you have recipe for them?  

Please share with us and join in the conversation over on Facebook or Instagram!  

Hope you enjoy a sometime treat today!


Are you local to Texas and trying to find some family-friendly December activities?  Check out our post on Christmas events in Texas

Looking for a quick way to burn off those cookie calories?  Try doing a Tabata style workout