outdoor table with fine china

5 Diet Hacks to Prevent Fall Weight Gain

outdoor table and chairs set with fine china and glasses
Choose the smaller plate

Changing leaves, crisp afternoons, pumpkins, and bonfires… are some of my favorite fall things. 

My not-so-favorite thing about the fall? Extra pounds.  

I mean there are so many delicious fall foods and events, right?

Every year the changing season has an impact on our daily habits that can often lead to weight gain. These five diet hacks can help you prevent fall weight gain!

🍂 1. Manage portion size.

We have a tendency to eat whatever is in front of us. Opt for smaller portions at meals and gatherings. Consciously eat more slowly and allow your body time to feel full before reaching for seconds. 

Tip: A reliable idea is to use a smaller plate when you eat. When you fill your plate put a little bit of each macronutrient group on your plate: protein, veggies, carbs, and healthy fats. If you eat all of the food on your plate and are still hungry, go back and cover the plate with veggies. If you eat the veggies and are still hungry go back and add some protein, good carbs, and healthy fats.

🍂 2. Opt for soups made with broths over creams and cheeses.

Fall is soup season and there are so many delicious options!! Choose recipes that are broth-based instead of cream or cheese-based in order to limit the calories. 

Check out these recipes:

Cabbage Soup

Butternut Squash Soup

Spicy Minestrone Soup

🍂 3. Add more veggies to your stews and fewer potatoes. 

Meat and veggie stews are another fall staple. Choose light meats (turkey or chicken) and go heavy on the vegetables. Limit or skip the potatoes to help prevent fall weight gain. Instead of potatoes, you can add turnips instead. Turnips are a little sweeter but are very similar to a potato on texture.

🍂 4. Bring healthy dishes to gatherings.

Potlucks and football tailgate parties are a big part of the fall for a lot of people. And unhealthy, fattening foods are a big part of both of those! When you are invited somewhere, bring a healthy dish to add to the mix. Enjoy a bite or two of the less healthy options – but stick to your dish for your main sustenance. 

🍂 5. Skip the pie and opt for enjoying fall’s harvest in healthier ways.

You can’t think about fall without thinking about pumpkins and apples! Pumpkin pies and apple pies are high in sugar and carbs which lead to fall weight gain. Opt for healthier ways to consume fresh fall produce so that you can reap the benefits – and enjoy the flavor! – without the extra calories. 

What is your favorite healthy fall recipe? Share below!!

Move. Smile. Breathe.

Check out my Healthier Holidays Pinterest board for more recipe ideas!