Your first question might be, “Umm…what is REFIT®?” 


From their website: REFIT® is more than just fitness – it’s a life-changing fitness experience. With the fitness world – and the world at large – telling you to change or improve, REFIT is here to say that you are enough. REFIT combines powerful movements with positive music that will change your body, but your body is only the beginning. Bottom line: REFIT is a great workout that you’ll feel great about.

REFIT® is often called a cardio dance party.  You dance. You sing. (Well at least I sing.  It’s hard not to. LOL) You grow stronger.  Your muscles get bigger or toner or both.  We work on our arms, our legs, our butts, our core, and our minds and hearts.  This is what we call heartwork.  

I think the heartwork is the frosting on top that makes the REFIT® community even sweeter.  We know that so many of our challenges begin in our minds.  You have to be able to overcome and change your thoughts in order to change your habits. 

Why we love REFIT®

So we spend a few minutes at the end of each class getting to know each other and building our community.  Sometimes we ask general questions. At other times we ask deep, introspective questions.  And then sometimes someone might share a struggle with the group and we offer support.  We grab sweaty pinkies and pray for each other.  

We believe that the heart is more than a muscle. That a person is more than a body. That relationships are as important as results. We believe fitness isn’t just for the fit…it’s for the willing.


My REFIT® Journey

I discovered REFIT® back in 2015.  I found their Instagram page and liked what they represented–women having fun with fitness.  They didn’t act like exercise was a punishment.  Instead, they looked like they were having a grand old time dancing and laughing with their friends.  They accepted women of all shapes and sizes.

I told myself that if they ever came to Houston I was going to go to one of their live experience classes and maybe sign up to become one of their instructors.  

And then in early 2016, I saw the post that they were coming to Houston in June and I did it!  I signed up, paid my $200 to become an instructor, and bought an extra ticket to the Friday night LIVE experience class thinking my daughter would go with me.  I didn’t plan to ever teach a class.  I was just going to be happy to be a part of the REFIT tribe! 

The Wednesday night before the LIVE event I still had that extra ticket. I was walking around grumbling to myself that no one wants to go exercise with me, much less on a Friday night! My husband Greg suggested I ask someone from church to go with me.  I can’t even say that at the time we were even friends.  We were acquaintances.  I knew her mom pretty well, but not her.  She was much younger than me, worked in the kids’ ministry,  and had just recently gotten married and then soon after separated. 

So I asked her and she said yes!

We met up on Friday night and went to the LIVE Experience class.  Neither one of us had ever even seen or done any of the routines.  Apparently, they were on Youtube for years and I had no idea!  Darn!  I could have been dancing along with them had I known.  Oh well. LOL

A little background on Megan.  She’s a dancer.  She has been her whole life.  I am not a natural dancer; I like sports and fitness.  And although I love to challenge myself and try new things, dancing in front of people was never in my plans!  

But Megan loved the LIVE class and before we left she asked if there was still a spot open for her to go back the next day and become an instructor with me.  There was! And that’s how Megan and I became friends, business partners, and REFIT® sisters all in one weekend!  LOL

Megan and I after our LIVE Experience class with two of the REFIT® founders.

Then I was brave

Thanks to having Megan by my side I end up teaching.  Megan wasn’t going to let me just hang out at home with my instructor certificate and hide.  We approached our church and asked about starting REFIT® classes there and they said YES!  We gave ourselves about 6 weeks to learn 15 choreography routines.  My poor family had to listen to my playlist over and over again in the car on our family road trip that summer.  But they survived!  

  • August 2016 we started teaching REFIT® classes at our church. 
  • January 2017 Megan’s momma Wendy became a REFIT® Instructor too and added to our teaching tribe. 
  • July 2017 Megan moved to Virginia. 
  • August 2017 Wendy and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary of classes at our church. 
  • November 2017 the three of us attended our first RECON! (Annual REFIT® Instructor convention!)
  • February 2018 I started teaching REFIT® classes at the local YMCA.  

I have now been teaching REFIT® for a little over two years and I still love it!  I love to dance and challenge myself.  Now I learn the routines a lot faster than when I first started teaching.  I’ve made lots of friends along the way who also love REFIT®! I’ve grown in confidence and realize that I do have something to offer, a way to help others enjoy fitness.  

Fitness doesn’t have to be hard and it shouldn’t be punishment.

To me, fitness is about taking care of our bodies and living longer, healthier, and happier lives.  It’s about being able to do hard things and staying active with my kids as I get older.

A REFIT® class for me is about leaving my troubles behind for an hour, relieving stress, focusing on my health, and having fun with friends. 

Do you know which exercise is the best for you?

The one you will actually do!

Rick Warren, The Daniel Plan

I AM SO thankful that I found REFIT® or that REFIT® found me!  It has changed my life! And I want you to find your favorite exercise too!  

If you are interested in trying out a REFIT® class:

Let me know if you try a class!  Or let me know what exercise format is your favorite!